client: polloegen

  • Maximus is Pollogen’s flagship device. Pollogen is a leader in the medical cosmetics sector.
  • Maximus is used for anti-ageing treatments, based on Pollogen’s cutting edge “Tri-Pollar” technology.
  • Multidisciplinary product that incorporates various fields; injection molded parts, electronics, electronic packaging and UI.
  • Final product and design methodology in accordance to rigorous FDA/CE standards.
  • Ergonomic and user interface centered design process.
  • Design for mass production and cost effectiveness.


client: polloegen

The problem we faced

Many older adults face a significant challenge when it comes to staying engaged and socially connected, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. As they age, factors such as physical limitations, reduced mobility, and the loss of friends and family members can contribute to a decline in social interactions. This lack of engagement not only affects their mental and emotional well-being but can also impact their overall quality of life and cognitive health.

Core Technologies:


88 x 37 mm, 3.5 x 1.5 inch (Diameter × Height, ±2mm)
Weight: ~130gr
Safety: CE Certified for personal continuous use. Tested according to
IEC/EN 60601-1, 60601-1-2, 60601-1-11, 60601-2-37
Enclosure Material: Biocompatible Polycarbonate plastic.


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